Without a doubt, online gambling has metamorphosed since its infancy. Technology is changing society, from the globalised economy to the proliferation of the internet and the ability to work from home. It is changing the way we live, work, play, learn and gamble. Technology is growing rapidly and touches almost every aspect of our lives in some shape or form. But as we reach the end of 2022, what comes next? There is no doubt that gambling has a very long and colourful history in societies and cultures, dating back as far as the history of humanity in ancient China and Rome. We hope that its geographical coverage and information on the regulatory frameworks in them will be a helpful guide to lawyers, gambling businesses and others. Gaming Law 2022, while not an exhaustive text on gambling law, is a guide to the licensing and regulatory regimes in many of the major global jurisdictions.
Harris Hagan is again pleased to introduce the Chambers Global Practice Guide to Gaming Law.